micro development log - Week 15
Started an experimental data binding implementation based on
, which should help to express translatable content of Meetling in a more concise way. -
micro development log - Week 14
Updated further dependencies of Meetling and recommenced work on internationalization.
micro development log - Week 13
Continued to update the dependencies of Meetling, refactoring along the way to make use of new functionality.
micro development log - Week 12
This week, one more time, was dedicated to further financing.
Next week, I’ll be on a short break (to Czechia) and development will continue afterwards.
micro development log - Week 11
Researched tools to monitor the dependencies of Meetling and settled for Started to update outdated dependencies.
micro development log - Week 10
Commenced Meetling Beta 3. Also brainstormed some micro concepts.
For the next two weeks, my initial phase at bexio, micro development will be suspended and afterwards will continue as planned.
Meetling Beta 3
Today Meetling enters the third beta phase, intended for a public audience. Development will now steadily continue towards a stable release.
micro development log - Week 9
Managed to finalize two long-standing Meetling features, micro Button (which fixes an issue about duplicate agenda items) and the site activity log. Then finished and released the service provider information settings. Submitted a patch to fix the broken getDate API of Pikaday, our calendar component. Also concluded the work on further financing for the near future.
Meetling talk at 33c3
A few weeks ago, I’ve given an introductory lightning talk on Meetling at the 33c3. The recording is available online:
And here are the slides:
micro development log - Week 8
This week, like last, was mostly concerned with further financing. Otherwise, put the internationalization of Meetling to hold for now, after rearranging the Beta 3 milestone, which is planned for the beginning of March. Started to add optional service provider information.