micro Weekly 14
Mostly worked on further financing. Went on with user notifications for Listling and micro, handling the last remaining bits and pieces.
micro Weekly 13
Continued implementing notifications for Listling and micro, among other things adding VAPID support. Further experimented with embedding web content. Also worked on future financing.
micro Weekly 12
Worked on notifications for Listling, continuing from the previous experiments, and started to move notification functionality over to micro. Also focused on future financing.
micro Weekly 11
Further experimented with notifications for Listling, from subscribing to list activity to sending out and receiving system notifications. Also worked on future financing.
micro Weekly 10
Read up on Service Workers and experimented with notifications for Listling using the Push API. Picked an office space for giving it a trial the next weeks.
micro Weekly 9
Completed the Listling list feature to check items. Continued a previous experiment on assigning list items. Enhanced micro data binding with a switch transform. Also checked out further office spaces.
micro Weekly 8
Worked on the possibility to check Listling items, continuing from last week’s experiments. For micro, tackled a bug involving incomplete browser support for async functions and examined ways to embed web content. Also checked out office spaces.
micro Weekly 7
Finished keyboard navigation support for micro and with it completed keyboard shortcuts for Listling. Also experimented on marking items as done and continued the search for an office space.
micro Weekly 6
Continued working on keyboard navigation for Listling and started to move keyboard functionality over to micro. Also created some slides introducing Listling and went on researching office spaces in Berlin.
Listling intro slides
Update 19 Sep 2019: There is now a revised version available.
Here are some fresh slides introducing the idea of Listling: