micro log 37
micro log 36
micro log 35
- [Done] micro: Fix unit tests meddling with the Karma DOM #34
- [Done] micro: Enable input options #33
- [Done] micro: Provide location input #28
- [In-Progress] Listling: Add map use case #28
- [In-Progress] micro: Provide simple map element #36
- [In-Progress] Enable development log format for posts
- [Experimental] micro: Provide list input #35
Starting with this post, the development log comes in a more concise format. Also the title now refers to the calendar week.
micro Weekly 30
Completed implementing enhanced in-page navigation support for micro. Continued work on the location input and map element and also Listling map use case, fine tuning various aspects.
micro Weekly 29
Building upon the previous experiments, worked on a location input and map element for micro, along with required functionality, like better support for in-page navigation and auto-complete for inputs. Also augmented Listling items with optional location information for the map use case.
micro Weekly 28
Finished bringing the dependencies of micro and Listling up-to-date, this week Font Awesome 5 and ESLint 5. Further experimented on a micro location input, complementing it with a simple map component, and explored presenting Listling items with additional location information on a map.
micro Weekly 27
Started to update various dependencies of micro and Listling (Tornado 5, Pylint 2, Mocha 5, Karma 2). Continued exploring a location input method for micro and experimented on a map use case for Listling. Also worked a bit on further financing.
micro Weekly 26
Fixed disabling expired push subscriptions for micro and subsequently Listling. Experimented on enhanced on-boarding of new users in micro apps. Also researched for a simple way to enter locations and dealt with further financing.
micro Weekly 25
Continued to fix handling of expired push subscriptions, introducing experimental type annotations along the way for the affected code of micro. Also played around with real-time content updates.
I’ll be on vacation next week and development will continue afterwards at full capacity again. ☺️
micro Weekly 24
Started to fix disabling expired push subscriptions, which currently fails due to an incorrect permission check.
Next week, which concludes the current project at bexio, development will be paused and continue thereafter.